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SMS & Voice Calls from Twilio meet thethings.iO

Twilio with thethings.iOInternet of Things is about monitoring, alarms, notifications, among other, then it’s important to get real-time updates and the best way to get informed it’s probably through phone calls and SMSs. The IoT platform thethings.iO integrated Twilio, the communication platform that leads the voice and messaging applications. Send SMS and make voice calls from your […]

Internet of Loving Things

It seemed impossible to understand “love” in multiple ways, but like everything around us, love is ever changing and evolving with the other revolutions. No one believed in the possibility of a long distance relationship, but with the evolution in technology and the new forms of communication that have came with it, long distance relationships […]

thethings.iO on Think Big: From Futuristic Ideas to the True Reality

Last June, we appeared on Think Big blog (a project of the company Telefonica). The post was about the growth of wearables in the last couple of years, and how they are changing the entrepreneurship world. The movement started with the Apple Watch, and now the scene is looking to explode with not just wrist […]

HackLeumi & thethings.iO

Shalom hackers and makers of the HackLeumi hackathon 2014. We are sad to say that we will not be able to attend the HackLeumi at Tel Aviv in Israel for this reason we will be writing this post instead of our usual #iotfriday. In this post, we will guide you through the tools and APIs of thethings.iO. We […]

thethings.iO Aelected at the Pioneers Startup Competition

We are very happy to announce that thethings.iO is one of 50 startups that have been selected for the Pioneers startup challenge in Vienna October the 28th.  Pioneers festival We will be pitching our company in fron of investors on October 29t at the  Investors Day at the Pioneers between 3:30 PM and 4:30 PM. After that the thethings.iO […]

3 Internet of Things Protocols #IoTFriday

Happy IoTFriday ! Today we are going to talk about three of the most popular Internet of Things protocols: HTTP, REST, MQTT and CoAP.  These three protocols are often discussed among experts who decide which one has the best features, security, and lowest cost, among several other important categories. Deciding which protocol should be used […]

Does Your Thing Need An Open API? #IoTFriday

Welcome to the newest edition of the  IoTFriday segment at thethings.iO. Today, we are trying to answer some questions we have been receiving asking why one should open their devices on API.   Remember that the Internet of Things is a bottom-up technology wave, much like the Web was some years ago. Most of the innovation and new […]

thethings.iO Appeared on Cinco Días

Last week, we were interviewed by Cinco Días newspaper about the Internet of Things in a post entitled “Applying the Internet of Things” in Spanish. In the article thethings.iO and GreenMomit were mentioned as some of the most advanced Internet of Things startups in Spain. The English transcription of the article is: The advantages of connecting everyday […]

Top 3 DIY Platforms #IoTFriday

Welcome to the newest edition of the IoTFriday at thethings.iO. Today we will be speaking to you about our favorite DIY platform to develop Internet of Things projects. It typically isn’t the hardware you need but actually the needs of the project that is the deciding factor in which platform to choose. We have selected Arduino, Electric […]

Oktoberfest of Things – #IoTFriday

Welcometo IoTFriday at thethings.iO. This weekend Oktoberfest will be taking place in Munich. For those of you who have never been, it’s a huge, gorgeous party with lots of food and beer. We get the opportunity to co-organize the 3rd edition of the Oktoberfest of Things hackathon. The main goal is to connect Oktoberfest beers to the Internet. Today […]