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Geocoding location coordinates to addresses from GPS-trackers

Today we talk about geocoding. Geocoding is a very interesting art! Geocoding consist of converting addresses (e.g. streets) into geographic GPS coordinates (i.g. latitude and longitude). On the other hand, we have reverse geocoding that is the reverse process: transforming a pair of geographic GPS coordinates into an address (street with number and city). You […]

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How to integrate LoRa with thethings.iO IoT platform

As you know, thethings.iO is the most simple enterprise IoT platform. An IoT platform consists of helping and improving life of developers that are connecting products to the Internet. And as good makers, we love integrating new systems and platforms to thethings.iO that enable our clients of connecting to the Internet more devices. In today’s post […]

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IFTTT, LIFX and thethings.iO

ifttt thethings.iOOne of the most popular services that helped the Internet of Things to reach a great critical mass is IFTTT. IFTTT means if this then that. IFTTT is a fantastic IoT platform that allow people build recipes, triggers or actions with several connected devices and services. thethings.iO + IFTTT Actually at thethings.iO we love IFTTT. […]

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Connect a thermostat with OpenMote and thethings.iO

thethings.iO + openmoteDuring the last months we have seen dozens of amazing projects being connected at thethings.iO. Here we are going to show you how to connect a heating system and a thermostat for your house using thethings.iO as the IoT platform and OpenMote as a hardware. This project was made by Roberto Romero Jotel as his […]

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Keep IoT Simple, Stupid!

Innovation brings enthusiasm when you are making a product. Launching a connected device is hard and expensive. 2015 has been amazing at thethings.iO; we worked together with great projects and awesome people. The most valuable thing we discovered is that things must be more simple, from the UX to the most technological part of the projects. Inspired […]

SMS & Voice Calls from Twilio meet thethings.iO

Twilio with thethings.iOInternet of Things is about monitoring, alarms, notifications, among other, then it’s important to get real-time updates and the best way to get informed it’s probably through phone calls and SMSs. The IoT platform thethings.iO integrated Twilio, the communication platform that leads the voice and messaging applications. Send SMS and make voice calls from your […]

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Analytics for Sigfox: meet thethings.iO

Analytics for Sigfox with thethings.iOIf you are an Internet of Things enthusiast, you must know Sigfox. In case you don’t, keep reading. Nevertheless, this post is not only about the incredible things you can make with Sigfox but also how you can integrate it with an IoT platform such as thethings.iO. What’s Sigfox? Sigfox is a cellular style telecom that […]

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thethings.iO at October 2015

Hackathon 'Todos Incluídos'October means lots of things: it represents the definitive goodbye to the summer, the celebration of the Oktoberfest in Munich, or the arrival of a new season in the technological field. More events, more posts, more work… more thethings.iO! So what’s this October bringing to us? First of all, we want to express our sadness […]