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What Media is telling about thethings.iO

It started with our appearance in Forbes and VenturesBeat, and now there is even more! After closing our first-round of investment, many important blogs and Newspapers have spread the word. Do you want to know which ones are we talking about? Firstly, the news from TechCrunch . With the heading “thethings.iO Pulls In $270k To […]

Diari ARA: “Towards to a house without secrets?”

Marc Pous, thethings.iO CEO, talks about the Internet of Things scenario at Diari ARA Last Sunday, 7th June 2015, the catalan newspaper Diari ARA published an interesting article about how Internet of Things is going to change our way of living. It was written by Gina Tost and Xavier Vidal, but it count on the […]

thethings.iO Appeared on Cinco Días

Last week, we were interviewed by Cinco Días newspaper about the Internet of Things in a post entitled “Applying the Internet of Things” in Spanish. In the article thethings.iO and GreenMomit were mentioned as some of the most advanced Internet of Things startups in Spain. The English transcription of the article is: The advantages of connecting everyday […]

thethings.iO Appeared on Expansion Newspaper

Some days ago, thethings.iO appeared on the Expansion newspaper on wearables and Internet of Things article. The article is called “T-Shirts that saves lifes: these startups are going to change the world“. On this article, startups such as FirstV1sion who are also at Wayra Barcelona and Nuubo. We were interviewed by an Expansion journalist. This […]

We Have Been Interviewed by

The newspaper Ara is one of the newest newspapers in Catalonia. Every sunday there is a special magazine focused on new technologies and entrepreneurship. Last week, they interviewed our founder Marc Pous. Translation in English Marc Pous is a computer engineer and since some years ago he has been involved on the Internet of Things […]