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How To Connect Things To The Internet – #iotFriday

Welcome to the first edition of thethings.iO #IoTFriday whiteboard video. Today we want to talk to you about how to connect things to the Internet. Transcription of the video Hello thethings.iO friends! This is a new edition of the #IoTFriday! Today i’m going to talk about how to connect things to the Internet with my new […]

We Were at Make Munich Last Weekend

  Last weekend thethings.iO attended Make Munich. On Saturday, we showed how to connect objects to the Internet using Arduinos and Ethernet Shielts. With the Arduino we were pushing real-time air quality data (with a hacked Air Quality Egg: temperature, humidity, NO2, CO) to Cosm and poll real-time data and embedded that data using D3.js in a map. […]

Your data is your data

Jan Chipchase wrote a post where he talked about how some of his Internet-connected devices made him feel guilty when he wasn’t using them anymore. The purpose of this post was triggered by an email from Twine telling him that he wasn’t using his Twine enough. This type of email is one demonstration of the new […]

What is thethings.iO?

Nowadays the Internet of Things is becoming the Internet of Walled Gardens. Most of the IoT projects are vertical solutions that cannot interoperate with other objects or projects. Kickstarter has accelerated this scenario, funding some awesome projects related with the Internet of Things and Quantified Self, nevertheless that has increased the silos existing in the […]