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We Were at Make Munich Last Weekend



Our booth at Make Munich

Our booth at Make Munich

Last weekend thethings.iO attended Make Munich.

On Saturday, we showed how to connect objects to the Internet using Arduinos and Ethernet Shielts. With the Arduino we were pushing real-time air quality data (with a hacked Air Quality Egg: temperature, humidity, NO2, CO) to Cosm and poll real-time data and embedded that data using D3.js in a map.

Actuators ready to hack chairs

Actuators ready to hack chairs

On Sunday, we wanted to show everyone how to connect a chair to the Internet. Sadly, the Wifi at the event went down so we were unable to show off our connected chair, but don’t worry we will explain the use and purpose of the connected chair in a later post.

All around though it was a great event to introduce the Internet of Things and what thethings.iO really is.