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What Media is telling about thethings.iO


It started with our appearance in Forbes and VenturesBeat, and now there is even more! After closing our first-round of investment, many important blogs and Newspapers have spread the word. Do you want to know which ones are we talking about?

Firstly, the news from


. With the heading “thethings.iO Pulls In $270k To Expand Its IoT Platform” the tech most important blog about startups talked about our first-round of investment, and made Twitter buzz with it.

thethings.iO on TechCrunch

Other spanish blogs such as

WWWhat’s New

(“250.000 euros de inversión para thethings.iO, startup española especializada en la “Internet de las cosas” – “€250k of investment for thethings.iO, spanish startup specialized in the Internet of Things”),


(“Barcelona’s Raises €250K To Power The Internet Of Things Movement”),


(“La start-up thethings.iO cierra una primera ronda de inversión de 250.000 euros con la aportación de 190.000 euros de ESADE BAN” – “The startup thethings.iO closes a first-round of investment of €250k with a €190k contribution from ESADE BAN”)


(“thethings.iO realiza una ronda de inversión de 250.000 euros” – “thethings.iO makes a €250k round of investment”) also published the good news about thethings.iO!

thethings.iO on Spanish blogs

But there are more! The Spanish Newspapers

El Economista

(“thethings.iO cierra su primera ronda de financiación con 250.000 euros” – “thethings.iO closes its first-round of investment with €250k”),

La Vanguardia

(“La empresa emergente thethings.iO capta 250.000 euros en ronda de inversión” – “The startup thethings.iO recieves €250k in a round of investment”),


(“ESADE BAN lidera la primera ronda de thethings.iO” – “ESADE BAN leads thethings.iO’s first-round of investment”),


(“thethings.iO cierra su primera ronda de financiación con 250.000 euros” – “thethings.iO closes its first-round of investment with €250k”) have also published the news.

thethings.iO on Newspapers

We have no words to express the satisfaction and happiness while seeing all these appearances in such these important Media. Thank you all!

If you want to know more about thethings.iO don’t forget to visit our website and follow us on Twitter!