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Scott Jenson talking about Bears, Bats, and Bees. Does the Internet of Things Needs Our Social Network?


Since the Scott’s SXSW presentation, we have been trying to reach the Scott Jenson video of his presentation’s slides and finally we were able to get ahold of it.

In the video, Scott exposes the new technology trends and how the Internet of Things will mutate the current technology by using great facts and examples.

The aim of thethings.iO is to offer developers and makers of devices a platform able to reprogram devices, offer new functionalities on top of existing devices and create add-value to real services. Our point of view is that the Web will lead this change. The users will receive benefits from these new programs since things will be inter-connected and accessible through one sole device. We work with a passion to give each user a meaningful product where they will be able to manage and interact with everything they have connected via the Internet.

We truly believe that the Internet of Things will revolutionize the technology market, and we hope that our social network will be part of this change!

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and be sure to check out our #IoTFriday blog!