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thethings.iO at October 2015

Hackathon 'Todos Incluídos'October means lots of things: it represents the definitive goodbye to the summer, the celebration of the Oktoberfest in Munich, or the arrival of a new season in the technological field. More events, more posts, more work… more thethings.iO! So what’s this October bringing to us? First of all, we want to express our sadness […]

thethings.iO at the IoT Hackathon Lisbon 2015

Tomorrow June 16th starts at Lisboa Congress Centre (CCL) the IoT Hackathon Lisbon, in which The IoT cloud solution is on of the sponsors! Some of its promoters are UNINOVA, FCT-UNL (both Technological universities from Portugal), Zolertia and the IoT-Forum. The hackathon will last two days and will gather students from the most renowned tech […]

thethings.iO is part of Hack4Europe

  We are happy to announce that will have the opportunity to be a part of the first on-line hackathon, hack4Europe. This contest will allow us to connect with the most innovative start-ups, boost collective intelligence by using new APIs, get the opportunities to meet larger companies and win up to 50 000 Euros […]

HackLeumi & thethings.iO

Shalom hackers and makers of the HackLeumi hackathon 2014. We are sad to say that we will not be able to attend the HackLeumi at Tel Aviv in Israel for this reason we will be writing this post instead of our usual #iotfriday. In this post, we will guide you through the tools and APIs of thethings.iO. We […]

Oktoberfest of Things – #IoTFriday

Welcometo IoTFriday at thethings.iO. This weekend Oktoberfest will be taking place in Munich. For those of you who have never been, it’s a huge, gorgeous party with lots of food and beer. We get the opportunity to co-organize the 3rd edition of the Oktoberfest of Things hackathon. The main goal is to connect Oktoberfest beers to the Internet. Today […]