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Light plays Music under the Sea in the Sónar Festival with thethings.iO

The Citclops Project presents the “Musical Tentacle” in the Sónar + D contest

The Citclops Project presents the “Musical Tentacle” in the Sónar + D contest

Every June, Barcelona feels the beats of the Sónar, the Electronic and Experimental Music Festival.

If two years ago, at thethings.iO we were connecting an IKEA sofa to the Internet to allow everyone to feel the music of the Festival, this time we are collaborating in another project called Citclops. The Citclops Project presents the “Musical Tentacle” in the Sónar + D contest, thanks to the Program STARTS organized by the European Commission, about the innovation and creativity in the technological and scientific field.

The “Musical Tentacle” is a project to sonify and artistically express scientific data used to measure the transparency of the sea water through the real-time broker of thethings.iO.


It only needs a buoy, a KdUINO (a low-cost Arduino), a water-resistant box and thethings.iO. The box fits a basic open-source electronics prototyping platform and communications payload. Buoy’ sensors, which measure the light in the water, are connected via cable to the box. The data generated is real-time transported to thethings.iO and accessible by using a mobile device because of the capability of connecting it to the buoy.

Musical Tentacle offers a unique opportunity to audio-visually experience variations in the transparency of our seas. Are you going to miss the chance to live it for yourself?

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