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How the Internet of Things will change our houses

How IoT will change our houses

How IoT will change our houses

“Home, sweInternet-of-Things home”. Yes, IoT will be in your house too. Imagine yourself arriving from work. You lock your car just by touching your smartphone. Automatically, you can also open your house’ front door. You are in, and then, looking at your own smartphone, you can know exactly the temperature, humidity… there is in the house. And what about turning your lights on with just one click? Let’s talk about some of those opportunities that new homes will bring us…

Saving energy

As we have said and repeated lots of times, most IoT help us saving energy. Using a new system of connected, for example, lights, you can customize and adapt them depending on your needs at any time. Check Ledmotive, one of thethings.iO customer, and you will realise what we are talking about.

But there are other companies that allow you to control other energies, such as temperature, like Nest, Ecozy or Momit, which offer new concept of thermostats; or water, using, for example Ôasys. All these devices help you save energy and money by controlling how many of the “energy” you are consuming.



Feel secure

By using Internet-connected door lockers, such as the one we mentioned on a last post (do you remember?). The idea of this device is that when your smartphone is close enough it is capable to lock or unlock the door by using an app. You don’t need physical keys, so you have them on your own smartphone. See August Smart Lock example.

The emergency alarms are going to change its concept. If they are connected to the Internet, when someone breaks into your house, the emergency services and the police are alerted automatically.

And what about your children?

Sometimes it is hard to fall asleep, and when you are a kid, your imagination can play with you and make you see things that actually are not there. That’s the reason why Leeluu decided to create a connected nightlight for children. Easy to use, any of Leeluu in a bedroom can be used to control the others. To modulate its brightness you only have to pat it on its back, as it was an animal.


Leeluu Nightlight

Get everything interconnected

Yes, this will be the era of all-interconnected-things. All your electrical appliances would be able to be controlled just using your smartphone. But even the most (apparently) insignificant thing, will be connected to the internet. Haven’t you seen the HAPIfork yet? This connected fork measures the hand-to-mouth movement, and also helps you adopt healthy eating habits, such as eating at the right time, not eating too fast…

And talking about the food… For all those food lovers, Foodini is the natural machine that they were looking for. This connected machine consists in a 3D food printer, which will help you cook lots of healthy and creative food and you will just need to select the nourishment.

thethings.iO connects all those devices to the Internet, as most of you know. And our added value is the interoperability, that means, that your things will be compatible with all of these devices that we talked before. Isn’t that amazing? If you want to know more about IoT world and thethings.iO stay tuned!

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