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Light plays Music under the Sea in the Sónar Festival with thethings.iO

Every June, Barcelona feels the beats of the Sónar, the Electronic and Experimental Music Festival. If two years ago, at thethings.iO we were connecting an IKEA sofa to the Internet to allow everyone to feel the music of the Festival, this time we are collaborating in another project called Citclops. The Citclops Project presents the […]

thethings.iO at the Sonar+D 2013 with One Seat Away Project

As we mentioned some weeks ago, we attended the Sònar 2013 collaborating with the One Seat Away project. Simone Rebaudengo, Ken Frederick, Daniel Kluge and Marc Pous with thethings.iO were working hard to have the One Seat Away at Sonar and their hard work paid off! Our main vision was to offer a new kind of interaction […]

Sonar+D: One Seat Away Project

Today is the day, thethings.IO will be at Sonar+D presenting its new project, One Seat Away, in collaboration with Simone Rebaudengo, Ken Frederick, Daniel Kluge and Marc Pous. What is One Seat Away One Seat Away is an artistic project that aims at the exploration of the relationship between the rhythms of a musical performance and […]