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We’re an Internet of Things platform

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Connect Twitter to IoT with thethings.iO

Twitter thethings.iOAs you probably know, it is possible to combine social media tools, such as Twitter, Facebook or Instagram, with the Internet of Things. In this post we are going to make a quick view of how to use our IoT platform, thethings.iO, in order to allow your things tweet what they are doing or experiencing. […]


Webinar IoT: Learn how to optimize, monitor, and analyse data with thethings.iO

thethings.iO IoT webinarToday we recorded a webinar with our friends from BeMyApp about how to connect a device to the Internet. We tried to make a very hands-on workshop showcasing thethings.iO IoT platform. At the end, we demoed how to connect a Sigfox device or a WiFi device to each other, create a custom dashboard and build some […]


Monitoring the sausages from Casa Tarradellas

Lately at thethings.iO, we have been working on several interesting projects. And finally we can announce one of our favourites and related to the science world! Keep reading if you want to know more… DISCLAIMER: This is an April’s fools 2016 post. Hope to see this happen in the next 5 years Internet connected […]


6 steps to connect your first device to thethings.iO

Now it’s even easier to start with the Internet of Things with our platform, thethings.iO. In this post we are going to show you all the improvements we have made to make your first experience even better! Follow our on-boarding process to start sending data from a device in just 6 easy steps: Step 0: Create […]


Connect a thermostat with OpenMote and thethings.iO

thethings.iO + openmoteDuring the last months we have seen dozens of amazing projects being connected at thethings.iO. Here we are going to show you how to connect a heating system and a thermostat for your house using thethings.iO as the IoT platform and OpenMote as a hardware. This project was made by Roberto Romero Jotel as his […]


thethings.iO at the MWC2016

This week we enjoyed the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona (February 22nd to 26th 2016), which represents one of the biggest technological events of the whole world. Since we are based in Barcelona, thethings.iO could not miss such an important event, full of big companies that showed their latest products in the mobile and technological field. What […]