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Track Anything Real-Time With thethings.iO Sigfox Location Tracker


The ability to track your assets real-time comes with many benefits. Location data enables an organization to derive valuable information that aids in the process of efficient decision making. In addition, it enables an organization to reduce operating costs while improving efficiency. Now thethings.iO can help you with this.

The location data can be used to optimize delivery routes, avoid specific areas and inefficient dispatch. This will help your company to save time, fuel, labor, and depreciation of transport vehicles. Companies can also improve customer satisfaction through quick response time.

Another benefit of thethings.iO Location Tracker is reducing theft or misplacement of cargo by being able to track assets accurately and knowing real-time if they go off route. The location tracker can be used to track any assets including vehicles, packages, and people.

What is a location tracker?

A location tracker is a sensor that you connect to your assets that allows you to locate the coordinates of your assets. Each set of coordinates corresponds to a timestamp so you know when and where the asset is, or was at that exact moment, in real-time. This product is the first thethings.iO IoT device connected in an open, scalable manner, operated with Sigfox connectivity and ready to deliver in 4 weeks.

Out of the box, and thanks to thethings.iO your company can enjoy a ready tracking solution that automatically reports to the company and makes the ROI very acceptable.

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Common Use Case for a Location Tracker

A practical example of use for a location tracker is for cargo and freight transportation. It is often difficult to locate cargo when there is miles and miles of large containers. A location tracker allows companies to quickly and efficiently locate cargo that needs to be shipped. The supply chain of assets is able to run smoothly from start to finish when accompanied by location trackers.

Another example is to track packages (with economical high value) being sent with mailing companies, which can be tracked in real-time. Check this example of a package sent from Barcelona to Zaragoza and coming back with the Spain high-speed train (300km/h).

Your Experience With thethings.iO

thethings.iO Location Tracker provides you with a hassle-free way to track and monitor your assets. The setup is so simple that it can be completed within minutes!

Once the setup is done the you are able to constantly monitor the tracker ID number, location coordinates, current movement status, and when it was last seen with the live dashboard supported by the Sigfox IoT platform. The ID number allows each tracker for all of your companies vehicles to be differentiated. This service allows companies and clients to have 24×7 access to the whereabouts of their cargo location. With improved efficiency, reduced costs, and time saved why wouldn’t you invest in this device supported by thethings.iO, actually the best enterprise IoT platform!

The geoposition of the tracker can be generated with the potential methods, depending on the hardware that you can choose:

  1. With Sigfox geolocation services: with an accuracy between 1 to 10 km today (2017), Sigfox promises to improve this with AI algorithms.
  2. With Sigfox geolocation services and WiFi: if you need to have a very good GPS accuracy in cities, WiFi is the best way to geolocalize a device. Sigfox and thethings.iO re offering this information automatically with the newest Sigfox geolocation services and Cloud code.
  3. and with traditional GPS: last but not least, if the device doesn’t have sky vision,
    there will be no signal. So, be careful and don’t waste your time (and money) here.

From here, first of all, thethings.iO receives the GPS position coming from any of these methods. Then it is possible to start analyzing the data, such as, defining geo-fences where a SMS or an e-mail should be sent if a container gets into that area, or to the destination.

Request a free demo

If you would like more information on how thethings.iO can help you track your assets in a fast, easy way check out Feel free to try out a free demo!