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Thethings.iO At The Internet of Things World Event at Palo Alto


Last June, thethings.IO founder and CEO, Marc Pous, got the opportunity to speak at the Internet of Things World Event at Palo Alto.

IoT World Event Palo Alto 2014

IoT World Event Palo Alto 2014

The session was titled “Designing for User Experience in the Internet of Things.” Marc answered questions related to how the consumer will manage multiple devices, platforms, and services in a home. There are two key issues for consumers: identity management and UI design. Other session speakers were Mike Kuniavsky, from the Palo Alto Research Center, Rob Lawrence, UI Director from Native, and Phil Fearnly, General Mananger of BBC Future Media.

The next day, Marc visited the former Xerox Parc, now called the Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) by Mike Kuniavsky. Mik showed some intriguing projects that were being made at the PARC such as a printer that is able to print off mobile devices, from displays to microcontrollers, and also another print that is able to print batteries. At PARC, there is a tiny museum to see all the amazing projects that have been developed there.

Xerox PARC

Xerox PARC

Ubiquitous Computing project leaded by Mark Weiser at Xerox PARC

Ubiquitous Computing project leaded by Mark Weiser at Xerox PARC

Marc also presented thethings.iO at the IoT San Francisco meetup. Here, there were almost one hundred IoT enthusiastic people. It was only a forty minute talk but lasted longer than that with twenty minutes worth of questions.

Marc speaking at the IoT SFO

Marc speaking at the IoT SFO

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