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At the Intel IoT Roadshow and StartupBootcamp


Within the next few days, our CEO and Internet of Things advocate, Marc Pous, will be in Munich, Germany to attend two very important events and will represent thethings.iO.

Intel Edison

Intel Edison

The first event is the Intel Internet of Things Roadshow, where Intel will be presenting their new Internet of Things platform, the Intel GalileoGeneration2 and the Intel Edison. Intel is investing a lot of effort into their new IoT platform. Marc will be at the Roadshow discussing his experience on the Internet of Things and then also as a judge for the IoT hackathon on Sunday. If you are in Munic, don’t miss out on such an important IoT event.

StartupBootcamp IoT Barcelona

StartupBootcamp IoT Barcelona

Monday, Marc will be mentoring the selected startups that make it out of Munich in Switzerland at the StartupBootcamp Munich Pitch Days. StartupBootcamp is opening a new Internet of Things accelerator in Barcelona where they will help 10 IoT startups get to the next step, where Marc will also be a mentor to young companies. If you want to apply click here.

If you want to learn more about thethings.iO and meet Marc Pous during the next days in Munich, ping him on @theThingsIO twitter.