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thethings.iO IoT Blinders Retailer Manager

If you sell your digital product via distributors and retailers, thethings.iO’s Blinders are for you. The Blinders tool provides privacy and security to your retailers and suppliers and all their network of sub-retailers. Let’s learn more! What is thethings.iO Blinders? Imagine you are a thethings.iO customer with smart lightbulbs you wish to sell to retailers such as […]

Using Geofencing with thethings.iO

What is geofencing? Geofencing is a technology that allows you to create geographical boundaries and set up triggers based on location information. For example, you could send a message to someone when a “thing” has entered or left a specific area defined by your geofence. Some of the great uses of geofencing include location tracking, […]

How to Setup your Insight Dashboard

When you log into your thethings.iO IoT platform, the first thing that you see is your Main Dashboard. This dashboard is here to give you the main overview of all of your things. However, sometimes you need to see more specific information about your things. For this reason, we’ve created the Insight Dashboard feature. If […]

How to connect Thingstream with thethings.iO

In this tutorial, we will set up a Thingstream Button with thethings.iO IoT platform so that when we click the button, it’s GPS location will be sent to thethings.iO and can easily be seen on a map! This tutorial will walk you through setting up your button, creating a flow in Thingstream, sending data to […]

The power of the IoT Bra

The Power of the IoT BraBoth men and women will enjoy this post about the latest news in the IoT field because today I’m writing about Bra. Yes, you’re reading it right. Recently, looking into the clothing world I ran into the most intimate wearables for women. I’m talking about Bra again. If it looked liked the most common piece […]

thethings.iO at September 2015

With the arrival of September, holidays end for most of us. And with its end, our team comes again with their batteries fully charged. Charged to accomplish new goals, attend more IoT congresses, events and conventions and work harder than ever to respond any of your requests, suggestions at thethings.iO. So what’s this September bringing […]

Welcome to children’s IoT world

Imagine sitting in your kitchen trying to find something on your iPad. For some reason you just can’t imagine where you have left whatever you are looking for, all of a sudden your 6-year-old child to your left makes a hand movement and the item starts beeping so you can find it. To the technologically […]

To All First-Time Mothers: Your Troubles Solved by IoT

To all desperate first-time mothers, the Internet of Things is going to save your lives, or at least, it will try to. Say goodbye to all the crying without knowing what is actually happening. In the very near future, to take care of a baby will be, maybe, one of the easiest things of your life. Do […]

Future Internet of Things

About 20 years ago, the World Wide Web revolutionized the whole world. Now, it is Internet of Things turn. As we have said and repeated here in this same blog, IoT is going to change the way we understand life forever, becoming the next big technological revolution. Nowadays, there isn’t anyone without a smartphone in their hands. […]

Internet of Loving Things

It seemed impossible to understand “love” in multiple ways, but like everything around us, love is ever changing and evolving with the other revolutions. No one believed in the possibility of a long distance relationship, but with the evolution in technology and the new forms of communication that have came with it, long distance relationships […]

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