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thethings.iO at September 2015


With the arrival of September, holidays end for most of us. And with its end, our team comes again with their batteries fully charged. Charged to accomplish new goals, attend more IoT congresses, events and conventions and work harder than ever to respond any of your requests, suggestions at thethings.iO.

So what’s this September bringing to us?

The first week of September thethings.iO will be in Berlin. First, our CEO will speak at the IoTCon in Berlin. Our CEO, Marc Pous, will speak at 2 sessions about CoAP and IoT platforms the 2nd of September.

Connected things at IFA Berlin

Connected things at IFA Berlin

The 4th of September, we will attend the IFA’s event in Berlin, which will gather lots of technological, M2M and IoT companies from around the world in just one place. Some of the most important of them are Intel, EPSON, Yamaha or SONY, among others.

The next event will take place in our city: Barcelona. It is the IoT Solutions World Congress that will last from 16th to 18th September. At this event, thethings.iO will have a booth where you will be able to see our technology and IoT prototypes working in real-time. This event will be more than a simple congress, so it offers networking opportunities with companies such Intel, Microsoft, Vodafone or IBM, among others, as well as some different Marketplace options. If you are in the city, do not hesitate to visit our stand in the IoT Solutions World Congress!

Introducing you to thethings.iO

We are an IoT cloud platform for companies that decide to build new cool things that can be connected to improve our lives. If you want to know more about us, you can create an account by clicking here, sign up to receive our monthly newsletter or follow us on Twitter! Stay tuned and be the first in knowing the latest news of the IoT world and thethings.iO.