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Learn Arduino in 5 minutes #IoTFriday

Welcome to another video of IoTFriday here at thethings.iO. Today we plan to give you a quick overview about Arduino.   What is Arduino Arduino was born in Italy in 2005 by a group from the Interaction Design Institute Ivrea (IDII) who wanted a board for its design students to use to build interactive projects during their thesis […]


Learn Intel Edison In 5 Minutes #IoTFriday

Welcome to the new edition of IoTFriday at theThings.IO. Today we want to show you how to start a project with the new platform made by Intel, the Intel Edison, in just 5 minutes. A new DIY platform of Internet of Things is on the block! After being announced at the last CES 2013 with a lot of high […]

theThings.IO team is going to the Web Summit 2014

Web Summit 2014 is almost here and thethings.IO team will be in going to Dublin Ireland to present some of our companies awesome capabilities! We plan on bringing a few surprises to the Web Summit such as our real-time platform demo, the backend website and also the notorious connected boxing glove.   We are looking for […]


How To Fund Your Internet of Things Project

Welcome to the new edition of IoTFriday at thethings.iO. Today we will be discussing how to fund your Internet of Things project. We have come across multiple startups and companies who have innovative ideas and prototypes but they don’t know how to get funding to produce their things and enter the market successfully. Usually, they are restrained […]

HackLeumi & thethings.iO

Shalom hackers and makers of the HackLeumi hackathon 2014. We are sad to say that we will not be able to attend the HackLeumi at Tel Aviv in Israel for this reason we will be writing this post instead of our usual #iotfriday. In this post, we will guide you through the tools and APIs of thethings.iO. We […]

At the Intel IoT Roadshow and StartupBootcamp

Within the next few days, our CEO and Internet of Things advocate, Marc Pous, will be in Munich, Germany to attend two very important events and will represent thethings.iO. The first event is the Intel Internet of Things Roadshow, where Intel will be presenting their new Internet of Things platform, the Intel GalileoGeneration2 and the Intel Edison. Intel […]