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thethings.iO on Think Big: From Futuristic Ideas to the True Reality


Think Big

Last June, we appeared on Think Big blog (a project of the company Telefonica). The post was about the growth of wearables in the last couple of years, and how they are changing the entrepreneurship world. The movement started with the Apple Watch, and now the scene is looking to explode with not just wrist products but anything imaginable.

Marc Pous, thethings.iO CEO, says that the revolutions will not be just with the wearables, but with lots of internet-connected devices, the number of which will increase in the next 5 years.

“If we compare it with the forecast of connected devices by 2020, when the number of those devices will be 7.000 milion, can you visualize the number of business models that a technology which is 4 times bigger than the mobile era will generate?”, says Marc Pous.

Lots of entrepreneurs and startups have taken this opportunity to jump into the industry, developing new projects and products that will forsure be part of the new technological revolution.

Marc Pous adds, “The most important thing is to create a product that offers value or a need that can not be covered without a wearable”.

To create and make all those wearables useful, there must be other companies that connect the things to the Internet. That is the reason why we are beginning to see Internet of Things as its own market, and companies that offer exactly this service. The IoT devices are changing the way we understand our cities, houses, cars, kitchens… making our work that much easier. thethings.iO appears in here in order to make the process of connecting things to the Interner easier by offering a Cloud solution service.

“Nowadays, companies that connect things to the Internet do everything from scratch, and that costs too much. We let them focus on building the product and with our technology we connect their devices to the Internet in real time. In addition, we not only accelerate their development, our technology also allows them to save money. Our pricing system allows them just to pay if they sell the devices”, explains Marc Pous.

You can check the whole post (in Spanish) by clicking here!