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Monitorize Your Cold Chain With a Cold Chain Tracker


thethings.iO Cold Chain Tracker is an innovative device that monitors the temperature of any assets you would like to in real-time. Connected with Sigfox and monitoring temperature, humidity and light is a ready to go solution for your business, made by thethings.iO.

Cold Chain Tracking opens up many new opportunities for advancement in the market. It is very important for certain businesses to employ the latest technology in order to stay competitive in the market. Cold Chain Trackers are especially vital to the temperature-controlled supply chain of the perishable food and pharmaceutical industries.

thethings.iO Cold Chain Tracker offers many advantageous features including

  • Real-Time Tracking – Always know the current temperature and humidity of your assets
  • Real-Time Alerts – Receive immediate SMS or email alerts if the acceptable temperature is out of range
  • Fast and Easy Installation – Start monitoring your assets in no time
  • Long Battery Life – Battery Life up to 2 years and ability to monitor battery in real-time
  • Sigfox Connectivity – Offers maximum global scalability and flexibility
  • Live Dashboard – Track all your assets explicitly and simply
  • Portable – Compact, convenient to transport
  • GPS and WIFI Reader (optional) – Improved data accuracy through advanced location tracking

Supermarket Use Case

Perishable foods in transit often go to waste due to improper temperature control. With the increment of food delivery and food trade in general, the cold chain is becoming a main problem to warranty that is maintained. There is still not a common law for cold chain on food delivery, but it will exist soon. On the other hand, the amount of waste from perishable foods has increased over time and contributes to a huge portion of waste that is harmful to the environment and can be potentially dangerous for us. A large percent of supermarket inventory is made up of perishables. Perishables include, but are not limited to, meat and poultry, dairy, fruits and vegetables – clearly they make up a large portion of supermarket sales.

And Vaccines

Vaccines are a regulated good that is mandatory to send with refrigerated control, all around the world since some years ago. The cold chain is a critical part of the vaccines. Once the cold chain is broken in a vaccine, it becomes completely useless. In addition some countries require specific documentation during the transportation of medical goods that need to accomplish the cold chain. With thethings.iO we can help you to monitor in real-time the cold chain for vaccines and medical goods, sending alerts every time there is a risk to break it.

thethings.iO Cold chain tracker solution

thethings.iO Cold Chain Tracker offers a solution to efficiently transport all these goods while minimizing product inefficiencies, customer experience, waste and offering the real-time notifications for the trader in case there is a problem with the cold chain.

The tracker will send a real-time alert to the company so they are able to regulate the temperature before the good in transport becomes garbage. And the customer’s company will have a dashboard to understand in real-time how is their food delivered and transported, and even the customer (supermarket, distributor and even final customer) they will be able to see another dashboard to understand in real-time that the cold chain have been correctly executed.

If you would like to read more about thethings.iO Cold Chain Tracker and how it can benefit your business read our white paper on thethings.iO Cold Chain Tracking.