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thethings.iO and emotionsAR cloud printing use case


emotionsAR cloud printing service

Under the claim “Images that come alive” there is the company emotionsAR. emotionsAR is a B2B SaaS platform for photography professionals that allows users turn their pictures into life.

emotionsAR cloud printing service

emotionsAR cloud printing service

With EmotionsAR’ app, you can see how pictures come alive: you can add motion, interactivity and sound to your images. But its business model goes further, as they are also experts in Augmented Reality and image recognition.

emotionsAR is also one of our first clients. That’s why we decided to ask Josep Ballesté, CEO of emotionsAR, a few questions about his experience with thethings.iO.

emotionsAR and thethings.iO

At thethings.iO, we understand that can be hard to handle to make a connected device. We offer to these companies the Internet of Things platform that facilitates them to launch their networked products to the market faster than if they had to build the whole cloud and connectivity by themselves.

With more and more customers requesting emotionsAR to scale the cloud printing solution for their needs in thousands of different places all around the world, we set up a solution between emotionsAR and thethings.iO to connect several models of professional printers such as Mitsubishi, Epson, HP among other.

Josep Ballesté, CEO of emotionsAR saw fundamental the need for an IoT platform for their future roadmap so. As mr Ballesté said, “We knew that having a cloud solution was a crucial part of our product, so the decision of choosing it well was so important. We decided to sign up in thethings.iO IoT platform and try it, and it was even better that what we expected! So we stayed”.

We started connecting printers for emotionsAR. And emotionsAR’s CEO, Josep Ballesté, described his experience using thethings.iO as “great. One of the key advantages is its compatibility with all hardware environments”.

We know most of times it is hard and expensive to create from scratch a full IoT platform as thethings.iO to use it in just one part of the business. It can take a lot of time that could be used to develop other phases of the process and launch the product earlier. In emotionsAR case it did not happened, as “thethings.iO provides scalability, reliability and security from the very first minute”, said Mr Ballesté.

Josep Balleste CEO of EmotionsAR at 4YFN

Josep Balleste CEO of EmotionsAR at 4YFN

Interview to Josep Ballesté, CEO of emotionsAR

Why did you decide to use thethings.iO at first?

We had decided to work on an emotionsAR Cloud Printing Solution, launched a few months ago, which combines instant mobile printing with augmented reality, making printing easy and fun. A cloud solution was a crucial part of our product.

How was your experience using our platform? What part helped you the most?

thethings.iO IoT platform is great! One of the key advantages is its compatibility with all hardware environments. Since launch, we have seen its proven reliability. thethings.iO also provides security and scalability.

Why would you recommend other people to use thethings.iO?

In the product ideation phase, thethings.iO team were of great help thanks to their expertise in different Internet of Things verticals. During the development phase, thethings.iO team showed fast execution, responding quickly to the changes requested. Since launch, the customer service has shown quick response rates and great efficiency.

It’s great how emotionsAR mention Bob Dylan at Open Door singing: “<<“Take care of all your memories” / Said my friend, Mick / “For you cannot relive them”.>>”.