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thethings.iO at Betabeers Barcelona - TheThings
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thethings.iO at Betabeers Barcelona


On the 20th of April, Marc Pous, CEO of thething.iO, presented our startup at the  Betabeers meeting that took place at the Mobile World Center in Barcelona, Spain. Betabeers is a community of developers that organize monthly meetings to talk about technology and startups.



Marc explained to about twenty developers and a number of investors what the thethings.iO consists of as well as the cost for our services. A shortened summary of what was said would consist of as follows.

At the thing.iO we help companies that make hardware connect them to the internet in a quick and easy manor. Since we know that making hardward is a hard and cumbersome project, we provide an IoT cloud solution which allows companies to store real-time data from their devices. It has been very exciting as we are beginning to see our company grow and be given some interesting projects.

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and be sure to check out our #IoTFriday blog!