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thethings.iO at the MWC2016

This week we enjoyed the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona (February 22nd to 26th 2016), which represents one of the biggest technological events of the whole world. Since we are based in Barcelona, thethings.iO could not miss such an important event, full of big companies that showed their latest products in the mobile and technological field. What […]


Connecting the SmartEverything to thethings.iO with Sigfox

Smart Everything shieldIn today’s post we are going to show you Step by Step how to connect the SmartEverything board to thethings.iO with SigFox technology. If you need to visualize Sigfox data through an IoT dashboard or analytics you can use thethings.iO. During this tutorial you will need: A SmartEverything board. A button (optional) Now, make sure you have […]


4 Steps to Build Your IoT Dashboard

As you know, thethings.iO is the Internet of Things platform that allows you to connect things to the Internet quickly and easily. We allow you to monitor and manage your networked devices in real-time and get flexible analytics reports. And the product goes further, as you will see in this post about the IoT Dashboard […]


Beginners Guide: Connecting An Arduino To thethings.iO

Arduino loves thethings.iOIn today’s post we are going to show you Step by Step how to connect an Arduino to our platform, thethings.iO. You will only need: An Arduino or Genuino board. Ethernet, Wi-Fi (or Yún or an ESP8266, for the cheaper version) or GSM shield. Now, make sure you have an account at thethings.iO. If not, […]


Quick Guide: Connect Your First Thing in 1 Minute

This is a quick guide to connect your first thing using our platform, thethings.iO. thethings.iO is the Internet of Things platform that enables fast and scalable connection of things to the Internet, allowing you to monitor and manage your devices in real time and get flexible analytic reports. As you will see, it is easy, […]


Quick Guide to Cloud Code

As you know, Internet of Things is the next big thing. Considered the fourth biggest revolution (as important as the industrial and the Internet ones), all the machines connected to the Internet are saving huge amounts of data. But data on its own form does not matter. What is really important is the information we can get […]


Firmware Upgrade Step by Step

Firmware Upgrade Step by StepFirmware upgrade Over-the-Air At thethings.iO, we take care of all the Internet of Things workflow. One of the most important parts is the firmware that runs on the hardware. Upgrading the firmware through OTA PUSH is needed in all the use cases related with the Internet of Things. thethings.iO IoT platform offers OTA (over-the-air) firmware […]


Keep IoT Simple, Stupid!

Innovation brings enthusiasm when you are making a product. Launching a connected device is hard and expensive. 2015 has been amazing at thethings.iO; we worked together with great projects and awesome people. The most valuable thing we discovered is that things must be more simple, from the UX to the most technological part of the projects. Inspired […]


SMS & Voice Calls from Twilio meet thethings.iO

Twilio with thethings.iOInternet of Things is about monitoring, alarms, notifications, among other, then it’s important to get real-time updates and the best way to get informed it’s probably through phone calls and SMSs. The IoT platform thethings.iO integrated Twilio, the communication platform that leads the voice and messaging applications. Send SMS and make voice calls from your […]


Introducing the new thethings.iO

Ch-ch-ch-changes… It is as they say: the only constant in life is change. This is true in the technologized world we live in, and it is even more true when running a startup. If you want to change the world, you better listen to how the world wants to be changed. And as we’re on […]