How Internet of Things will change our cities and mobility
Today we’re going to give you some interesting ways IoT will change our lives in the near future. According to Gartner statistics, by 2020 about 26 billion devices will be connected to the Internet and thething.iO is here to help companies quickly introduce the internet-connected devices into our everyday lives. Be ready to see a […]
Internet of Things; Why? Because we can…
Everyone knows the comedy show The Big Bang Theory. We knew everyone was talking about the Internet of Things, but to our surprise, an episode of this hit comedy show suggests the main characters, Leonard and Sheldon, connect their flat lights and stereo using an X-10 system. You can notice this in the video: […]
thethings.iO on Forbes!
Forbes website talked about thethings.iO as one of the easiest IoT platforms that connects devices with the cloud A few weeks ago we had made a post about how excited we were about being featured in VenturesBeat. If you’d like to see this article feel free to click here. However, today we are thrilled to announce something […]
thethings.iO favorite watches and wearables
Wearable’s have become a hot topic among the Internet of Things tech enthusiasts. As the launch of the Apple Watch approaches, smart watches in particular have been weighing on everyone’s minds. The various Apple Watch products will provide the opportunity for users to access most of the information that exists on their iPhone from their wrists. Everything from […]
VentureBeat features thethings.iO as the Amazon Web Services for the IoT!
We are SO excited to share one of VentureBeat‘s most recent posts, featuring… thethings.iO as the Amazon Web Services for the Internet of Things! Recently, we launched our free IoT cloud solution, including back-end support for the cloud solution, a customizable front-end user interface, analytical tools, and guaranteed interoperability. Additionally, we are are offering more extensive services through […]
thethings.iO launches their FREE IoT Cloud Solution
This past summer, thethings.iO was selected amongst some six hundred plus startups as the winner of the Wayra Weekend in Barcelona. Since then, we have moved to the Wayra HW at Telefonica Tower in Barcelona, as one of many emerging startups in the Wayra acceleration program. As an accelerated startup, we have had the opportunity […]
How to learn CoAP in 5 minutes #IoTFriday
Welcome to the new edition of IoTFriday at thethings.iO. Some customers and personal friends have asked us here at thethings.iO what is the best Internet of Things communication protocol? The answer is complex, because in reality it truly depends on the uses and needs of the developer. Today I would like to take five minutes and […]
The Internet Will Disappear Soon
Last week, executive chairman of Google, Eric Schmidt, was asked about the future of the Web; to which he commented “The Internet will disappear.” He was talking about the Internet of Things of course. When Mark Weiser explained what the Ubiquitous Computing, clearly he was talking about the same, 20 years ago. If you look around, […]
How To Start With Internet of Things #IoTFriday
Welcome to the new edition of IoTFriday at thethings.iO. A lot of people have ask us how to get started with the Internet of Things. Today I would like to talk about what you can learn or do to get into the IoT. It depends on what you do, ideas you have and what you want to […]
New Logo For thethings.iO
We are excited to announce that thethings.iO has a new logo! Within this new logo, we connect the two dots representing our cloud solution. Companies that have a sole purpose of developing new hardware are currently busy with the design, prototype, and manufacturing aspect of a thing as well as building the app and developing […]