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thethings.iO IoT Blinders Retailer Manager


If you sell your digital product via distributors and retailers, thethings.iO’s Blinders are for you. The Blinders tool provides privacy and security to your retailers and suppliers and all their network of sub-retailers. Let’s learn more!

What is thethings.iO Blinders?

Imagine you are a thethings.iO customer with smart lightbulbs you wish to sell to retailers such as Walmart and Amazon. You sell 1 million lightbulbs to Walmart and Amazon. People then buy them and set them up with your app, giving you their email.

Now, when you will sell another product in the future, you will not need your retailers any more probably. You will sell directly to the customers through their emails and with marketing campaigns tailored to the clients of your current solutions.

This is obviously a problem for your retailers, who just lost customers, a lot. Most likely, your retailers would have realized this could happen and never would have made a deal with you in the first place. That means you never would have had any business to begin with either. So now what? How can you ensure privacy and security for your retailers? 

At thethings.iO, we have created a tool to solve this problem: the Blinders Retailer Manager. This tool “closes the blinds on you” to protect the retailer’s customers’ information and also lets you give the retailers a dashboard for them to manage your products. The Blinders tool also allows retailers to have a network of sub-retailers, each with their own dashboard.

For example:

Now imagine you are Amazon. You have two branches, Amazon US and Amazon Europe. You have 50 products, 25 for each location, but you want Amazon US to see their only 25 and Amazon Europe to see their only 25. With thethings.iO’s 

Blinders, you can make them each their own separate login where they can only see their products.  Now, you are Amazon Europe and you want to give 10 products to Spain for only them to view. You can do the same thing, creating a tree like this one:

The thethings.iO Blinders solution for retailers is a very complete solution to empower your retailers and partners with a top-notch IoT solution.

Do you want to try it? Just contact us at hello at thethings.iO.