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IoT retailers need better privacy and security? Meet thethings.iO blinder for retailers


Let me tell you a true story. We have a client connecting their products to the Internet with thethings.iO IoT platform. Let’s say that they are manufacturing fridges. And they are the second-best company in the world. Nevertheless, they do not sell directly to clients, they sell through retailers. Some of them are industrial retailers, others are brick and mortar stores, among others. And they sell a lot of connected fridges.

The fact that the fridge is connected enables their final clients to install a mobile application and get added value. Then with the app, the manufacturer is getting a lot of information about their clients, plus their e-mail, phone number, and address; even more information and better classified than that which is available to the retailers.

The manufacturer decided that with the information of thousands of their clients, they do not need retailers anymore. They are going to create an installation team for all the countries where they have a presence, and work through on-line campaigns and others. As a result, they will go to the final customer directly getting rid of the retailers and distributors: the uberization of the retailers.

Do you know that some hardware manufacturers have uberized their vendors? Certainly, we are seeing more and more retailers out of business with the digitalization.

The manufacturer that couldn’t find retailers

Let me tell you a second story. A thethings.iO IoT platform customer contacted us because none of their current retailers wanted to sell (or resell) their digital newest product. Even with the value proposition and the market demand for their product, they didn’t want to give to the manufacturer all the market information; they needed a warranty of privacy.

The solution for the IoT retailers

At thethings.iO we think that this is an important topic on the IoT security and privacy. And we handle this IoT security issue with an innovative tool in the market.

thethings.iO has a solution for the IoT retailers. Imagine an IoT solution that makes sure that your data sits secure and you are not going to be by-passed by your current partners in the future.

If you are not being protected today, meet thethings.iO Retailer Solution and separate the market information from your clients from your vendors, make it impossible to get uberized.

And if you are an IoT manufacturer who suffered at some point of these types of problems, find at thethings.iO your solution to enable your retailers to keep safe and offer a double added value digital product to their clients.

Welcome to the new generation of IoT security and privacy methods for retailers and manufacturers. Welcome to thethings.iO blinders feature.