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thethings.iO in ‘El Mundo’


thethings.iO team

thethings.iO team

thethings.iO team

Last 25th of September, we appeared at the Spanish Newspaper ‘El Mundo’. They explained what we do at thethings.iO as well as introduced the concept ‘Internet of Things’. The article says…

Coming from the old concept of domotics, popped up the Internet of Things. The old domotics showed up a problem: with the system used, all the devices needed to be from the same maker or compatible brands. If not, the system didn’t work anymore. The Internet of Things as a business came to solve that problem. A new model not tight to old proprietary protocols and brands and based on the top of new communication protocols such as WiFi, Bluetooth, Sigfox or LoRa. And this is why thethings.iO appeared into the IoT platform scenario, we are helping companies making networked hardware, connected and compatible with other devices.

thethings.iO makes posible to connect things to the Internet and then to the cloud, using different protocols, according to the use you are going to give to each device. Also, thethings.iO was defined as the Amazon Web Services for the IoT companies.

“To put on sale a product is so expensive and it takes a lot of time. We allow companies to focus on their best (the design and building the products), while we do the software in order to do everything in a shorter time”, explains Marc Pous.

Actually, the team that started the acceleration in Wayra Telefónica (Barcelona) changed their business strategy. Pous explained that they started with the idea of create a mobile app to manage multiple devices, but the huge demand of what there was under it (the software) made them do what they are doing right now.

The Internet of Things enable companies to understand the way users and consumers use their devices: who uses them once, and who uses it everyday.

In some past projects, Marc Pous connected a sofa that vibrates with the music rhythm in the context of the Sónar+D, and during the Oktoberfest he connected a beer mass. “In that moment, there wasn’t any place where you could save and display the data in real-time and that was what I wanted”, adds thethings.iO CEO.

Right now, thethings.iO is working with big enterprises and startups developing different Internet-connected devices, such as medical devices, printers or lights.

Marc Pous ensures that thethings.iO‘s differentiation as a startup is to help their clients make their product be build as fast as possible, in a simple way, giving just the most important information from the data acquired and, finally, the interoperability.

To read the full article in Spanish click here.

Introducing you thethings.iO

At thethings.iO we connect devices or wearables. We are a Cloud solution for companies that decide to build new cool things that can be connected to improve our lives. If you want to know more about us, you can create an account by clicking here, sign up to receive our monthly newsletter or follow us on Twitter! Stay tuned and be the first in knowing the latest news of the IoT world and thethings.iO.