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The most simple enterprise IoT platform


The most simple enterprise IoT platform

A year ago, I wrote Keep IoT simple, stupid where I was trying to explain that with thethings.iO we are trying to bring simplicity into the complex ecosystem of the Internet of Things. Store, analyze and visualize data should not be hard or need any specific team with knowledge on scaling machines, among others. This is the reason why one year ago, at thethings.iO we wanted to become the most simple enterprise IoT platform. And here we are!

The most simple enterprise IoT platform

During this year we have participated in several events, research documents and interviews and it’s great to see that we are working towards the right direction, to make thethings.iO becoming the most simple enterprise IoT platform instead of a complex mix of several features. Let me give you few examples.

IoT platform Scorecard made by Machnation

One of the most interesting IoT platform reports, mentioned us as one of the best AEP IoT platform. AEP IoT platform means Application Enablement Platforms that bring a collection of services and features to the hardware and IoT devices. We recently received the results from this research made by Machnation. It’s a really interesting document with a scorecard comparing thethings.iO with other 34 IoT platforms in the market (feel free to purchase it and share it).

IoT platform Scorecard 2016 by Machnation

IoT platform Scorecard 2016 by Machnation

Here some of the comments regarding with thethings.iO:

thethings.iO is positioned in the upper right-hand quadrant of the IoT AEP ScoreCard 2×2 matrix.

thethings.iO is ranked higher than established platforms like PTC ThingWorx in the report. And thethings.iO is towards the top of the ranks compared to the other 34 vendors evaluated.

That’s great that someone who is independent says nice things about thethings.iO.

And more

On the other hand we got insightful feedback from customers, friends, competitors and others letting us learn about what are the most interesting next steps. Few days ago, I read one of these lists that appear by the end of the year. In this case it was a list of the best 20 IoT startups in UK (or more potential or something like that I don’t remember now), and it was great to see one of our customers mentioned there. It makes us proud to see that our customers rock and they rock because we do.

thethings.iO the most simple enterprise IoT platform

We are building the most simple enterprise IoT platform in the market. Call it the most simple Sigfox IoT platform, the most simple industrial IoT platform or change *enterprise* by whatever you think it makes sense.

During 2017 you are going to see more and more features that go towards that direction. Feel free to let us know your feelings and feedback and let’s stay connected during 2017.