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PERSOSER project – The personalisation of the services for the improvement of the User Experience with IoT


Since last year thethings.iO takes part of the consortium of the PERSOSER project. The PERSOSER (Personalització de serveis per la millora de l’experiència del client) is a Catalan R&D project leaded by the RIS3CAT Utilities 4.0 community in Catalonia. The project started on March 2018 and will finish on March 2021.

The main goal of the project is to create dynamical and personalized services por Utilities customers with customer engagement and an improved User Experience with technologies such as the Internet of Things, Machine Learning and more. The integration, exploitation and filtering of heterogeneous data will be key in order to obtain new results from Utilities data. And collaborative design of advanced and personalized services depending on the specific needs of customers. All of these with pilots and tests running with IoT devices and thethings.iO IoT platform.

At thethings.iO we will focus our efforts as well on the Connected Home new services and business models that will appear in the near future. Our goal will be to design and test new services tailored to each client integrated on their home to increase awareness and transparency.

The partners working on the project are Bemobile, Cetaqua (Suez), Dexma, Eurecat, I2Cat and thethings.iO.

The PERSOSER project (COMRDI16-1-0058) has been financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund, ERDF, with the support of ACCIÓ – Government of Catalonia.

At thethings.iO we are open to participate in any kind of R&D European or National project. Feel free to contact us.