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Firmware Upgrade Step by Step


Firmware Upgrade Step by Step

Firmware Upgrade Step by Step

Firmware upgrade Over-the-Air

At thethings.iO, we take care of all the Internet of Things workflow. One of the most important parts is the firmware that runs on the hardware. Upgrading the firmware through OTA PUSH is needed in all the use cases related with the Internet of Things.

thethings.iO IoT platform offers OTA (over-the-air) firmware upgrade support. As you may know, OTA is a standard that allows users to transmit and receive information in wireless communication systems. It means that by using thethings.iO you will be able to update the firmware version of all devices you are selling in a rapid and easy way.

The OTA PUSH ‘Step by Step’ video

In the following video we’ll show you how the firmware upgrade feature works in our platform step by step.

thethings.iO allows you to distribute your firmware to all of your devices over Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or mobile broadband (GPRS, 2G, 3G or 4G). Let’s imagine a situation: some of the devices you are selling have a software error. Using your firmware in our dashboard, you just need to update the version your devices have by changing or improving what was wrong. With thethings.iO you can do it remotely, so you do not need to go to the place where each device is physically placed; you only need to use our API to make it work via Wi-Fi.

Firmware upgrade features

By using the firmware manager (located in the panel and Things Manager), users can manage and publish their firmware upgrades for their thing model and microcontroller unit (MCU). The available features of thethings.iO are:

  • To create, manage and upload new firmware versions.
  • To list all available versions.
  • To delete firmware versions.