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Alternative to Parse IoT: meet thethings.iO


This morning at thethings.iO we woke up to the surprising announcement that Parse, the cloud app platform, will be fully retired within the next year (January 28th, 2017). As you may know, this means its customers and users will need to migrate their applications and hardware to other services, such as the ones we offer at thethings.iO IoT platform. If you want to know more, keep reading…

Parse loves thethings.iO

Parse loves thethings.iO

What Parse used to offer

Parse was focused on the back-end, server maintenance and infrastructure for mobile apps. This way, they offered a solution to all those people who had ideas but lacked the knowledge, time or money to support the costs of a server where to settle down those apps.

It means that Parse offered what they called Core as the main feature. It allowed customers to store and manage data without the need of a server. With its analytics reports, they allowed users to understand how people were using the app: its growth, retention, etc. They easily created Push Notifications across devices and platforms was another of its functionalities.

thethingsiO loves parse

thethingsiO loves parse

Parse used to offer an Internet of Things support as well, allowing users to connect their IoT directly to Parse, as it was tuned to work in hardware environments. Then, Parse could support hardware like Arduino, Intel or Raspberry Pi, among others.

How thethings.iO can help you

thethings.iO is the IoT platform that allows users get fast and scalable connection of your things and products to the Internet. thethings.iO IoT platform also allows you to store relational object-structured data, monitor the connections, OTA push, send an SMS with Twilio through cloud code and manage everything in real time and get flexible analytic reports.

We know it can be hard (considering time or even money) for hardware companies to connect things to the Internet, as you have to build a new server from scratch. We want these companies to focus on their best, build cool things, allowing us focus on what we do best, be their best cloud solution.

thethingsiO customizable dashboard

thethingsiO customizable dashboard

So for all those who decided to use Parse as the Internet of Things cloud solution, we offer you its best alternative to start (or in this case, keep) connecting things easily. thethings.iO IoT platform works with an amount of features that, we are sure, will be of great interest to you, so check our website, sign up and start now!

If you want to migrate your Parse account to thethings.iO send us an e-mail to support (at) thethings.iO and we will help you painlessly get everything up and running .