Webinar with Sigfox: Learn how to connect a Sigfox Device at thethings.iO IoT Platform
Last week our CEO Marc Pous was invited to make a webinar at the Sigfox Webinar Series. Marc showcased in about 30 minutes how to connect a really simple Sigfox device to thethings.iO. During the webinar Marc explained how to do Sigfox parsers, dashboards, alerts and jobs on Cloud Code. Feel free to watch it […]
Blockchain and Internet of Things
Internet of Things and Blockchain or Blockchain and Internet of Things. These are two hot topics thrown around the industry a lot, but what exactly do they mean and how are they related? What is the Internet of Things Internet of Things (IoT) is, simply put, the connection of physical objects, or “things”, to the […]
Work with ComputedLocation and visualize on a map your Sigfox devices
Locate assets it is key in some use cases. This is why Sigfox is improving their techniques to locate assets. Sigfox brings the Atlas geolocation, which is kind of the GSM cell tower triangulation with Sigfox base stations. The Sigfox Atlas location from the new API version on the DATA ADVANCED services uses the concept […]
PERSOSER project – The personalisation of the services for the improvement of the User Experience with IoT
Since last year thethings.iO takes part of the consortium of the PERSOSER project. The PERSOSER (Personalització de serveis per la millora de l’experiència del client) is a Catalan R&D project leaded by the RIS3CAT Utilities 4.0 community in Catalonia. The project started on March 2018 and will finish on March 2021. The main goal of […]
thethings.iO IoT Startup Program
At thethings.iO IoT platform we are supporting some of the most exciting early-stage IoT startups. Nowadays some of them are changing the world with their amazing Internet of Things products and with our humbly help with thethings.iO IoT platform. One of the goals of thethings.iO is to help companies, like yours, to build your IoT […]
How to set up thethings.iO Blinders for your retailers
At thethings.iO IoT platform we have a security solution to protect your retailers, partners and distributor. The goal of thethings.iO Blinders IoT platform for retailers is to keep their clients data private from customer information leaked through your digital products. Meet thethings.iO Blinders IoT platform for retailers. Learn on this post how to set up […]
IoT Platforms for Dummies ebook
We are pleased to announce a new ebook made by thethings.iO‘s CEO Marc Pous and Blai Carandell about the IoT Platforms. We named it IoT Platforms for Dummies and we try to explain what is an IoT platform is and why a digital business needs to use an existing IoT Platform asap. Today is the […]
IoT retailers need better privacy and security? Meet thethings.iO blinder for retailers
Let me tell you a true story. We have a client connecting their products to the Internet with thethings.iO IoT platform. Let’s say that they are manufacturing fridges. And they are the second-best company in the world. Nevertheless, they do not sell directly to clients, they sell through retailers. Some of them are industrial retailers, […]
Create alerts with thethings.iO IoT platform
At thethings.iO IoT platform we love to give power to the IoT developers. This is the reason why since the very beginning we created the Cloud Code framework. The Cloud Code framework enables anyone to apply any algorithm on the top of the data, in real-time, every hour, every day or whenever. Nevertheless, a lot […]
Tracking the coffee from production to the cup with Blockchain, IoT and thethings.iO
At thethings.iO IoT platform, we love to work with students. In this case, Carles was doing his engineering thesis at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) on a very exciting topic, Blockchain on the asset tracking coffee world. The necessity to improve the working conditions of coffee exporting countries combined with the high demand of this […]