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thethings.iO in ‘El Mundo’

thethings.iO teamLast 25th of September, we appeared at the Spanish Newspaper ‘El Mundo’. They explained what we do at thethings.iO as well as introduced the concept ‘Internet of Things’. The article says… Coming from the old concept of domotics, popped up the Internet of Things. The old domotics showed up a problem: with the system used, […]


thethings.iO at the IOTSWC15

IOTSWC15 BarcelonaLast week, it took place for the first time in Barcelona, the IOT Solutions World Congress Barcelona 2015, and thethings.iO team was there! This event, held at Fira de Barcelona on September 16th, 17th and 18th, hopes to become an annual Internet of Things’ date. There, we shared space with some of the most important technological companies from […]


How IoT will change Music

How IoT will change MusicWelcome to the most harmonious post of thethings.iO. This is about music. We can listen to it, play or even sing it; but what about feeling and living the song you love the most? No matter if you prefer jazz, electro, indie, heavy metal, or whatever, there’s always an IoT device or wearable that suits you perfectly. And […]


How IoT will change our gardens

In this blog, we have had a quick look at different ways that Internet of Things is going to change our lives soon, like houses, cities, workplaces and even animals! As you see, Internet of Things is going to change absolutely everything, and your garden could not be less. In this post, we are going […]


What Media is telling about thethings.iO

It started with our appearance in Forbes and VenturesBeat, and now there is even more! After closing our first-round of investment, many important blogs and Newspapers have spread the word. Do you want to know which ones are we talking about? Firstly, the news from TechCrunch . With the heading “thethings.iO Pulls In $270k To […]


Press Release: thethings.iO closes its first round of investment with 250,000 euros

thethings.iO, a startup accelerated by Wayra in Barcelona, helps businesses connect their devices to the Internet in a quick and easy manner so they can interact with other “connected things”. Barcelona, July 6, 2015 – thethings.iO, the Spanish startup of ‘the Internet of things’ that currently resides in Wayra Barcelona, Telefónica Open Future’s startup accelerator, […]


How IoT will change our animals

Could you ever imagine that Internet of Things is going to change our animals? Yes, this is possible, just keep reading and you will discover it! Pets Basically, the most common IoT devices for dogs or cats are the animal tracking-kind. Many companies have created a similar FitBit bracelet, but for dogs’ neck. It is […]


How IoT will change Sport

First, it was the Health app from Apple or Nike+, Nike + Running, Runtastic mobile apps…, and now lots of wearables and other devices are connected to the internet to measure, not only your steps, even more and more. From bracelets to t-shirts that control your movements. The inimaginable, has become real to change our […]


How the Internet of Things will change our houses

“Home, sweInternet-of-Things home”. Yes, IoT will be in your house too. Imagine yourself arriving from work. You lock your car just by touching your smartphone. Automatically, you can also open your house’ front door. You are in, and then, looking at your own smartphone, you can know exactly the temperature, humidity… there is in the […]


Light plays Music under the Sea in the Sónar Festival with thethings.iO

Every June, Barcelona feels the beats of the Sónar, the Electronic and Experimental Music Festival. If two years ago, at thethings.iO we were connecting an IKEA sofa to the Internet to allow everyone to feel the music of the Festival, this time we are collaborating in another project called Citclops. The Citclops Project presents the […]