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Maker Faire Rome 2013

We are glad to announce that we will be attending the Maker Faire Rome 2013. Come check out a 30 minute workshop session we have planned at 2:30 PM in Room G- Archimede and learn how the connect your gadgets to the Internet. We hope to see everyone at the event! Hope to see you at […]

We Have Been Interviewed by

The newspaper Ara is one of the newest newspapers in Catalonia. Every sunday there is a special magazine focused on new technologies and entrepreneurship. Last week, they interviewed our founder Marc Pous. Translation in English Marc Pous is a computer engineer and since some years ago he has been involved on the Internet of Things […]


One App For Each Gadget? No Way! This Is Not The Internet of Things We Want

When we envision the future of the Internet of Things, we see this scenario that Apple and Google helped to build with their mobile devices and their application market. We see tons of gadgets and objects connected to the Internet each one (or even brand) managed through their mobile application. Philips Hue and LIFX are […]

Selected For The Startup Pitch Marathon in Berlin

We have good news! We have been selected among 42 finalists of the 108  startups presented for the pitch marathon in Berlin the July 31. We are carefully preparing our new pitch with a demo included to show in Berlin. If you are in Berlin during this time, we can meet up and talk about thethings.iO, the […]

thethings.iO at the Sonar+D 2013 with One Seat Away Project

As we mentioned some weeks ago, we attended the Sònar 2013 collaborating with the One Seat Away project. Simone Rebaudengo, Ken Frederick, Daniel Kluge and Marc Pous with thethings.iO were working hard to have the One Seat Away at Sonar and their hard work paid off! Our main vision was to offer a new kind of interaction […]

thethings.IO at LeWeb London 2013

It was an incredible honor to present thethings.IO at the startup competition of LeWeb London 2013. Surrounded with 15 other stunning startups, Marc Pous, the founder of thethings.IO made the presentation in front of investors and assistants. We could not win the competition. It was not our main goal but it was an excellent opportunity […]