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How Internet of Things will change our cities and mobility

Today we’re going to give you some interesting ways IoT will change our lives in the near future. According to Gartner statistics, by 2020 about 26 billion devices will be connected to the Internet and thething.iO is here to help companies quickly introduce the internet-connected devices into our everyday lives. Be ready to see a […]

Internet of (Boxing) Things

How to connect boxing gloves to the Internet in real-time Probably you already have seen punching bags in fairs and theme parks with a counter where you and your friends were able to play and to know who was the strongest puncher, right? It was not a connected punching bag, but anyway we are not […]

thethings.iO at Betabeers Barcelona

On the 20th of April, Marc Pous, CEO of thething.iO, presented our startup at the  Betabeers meeting that took place at the Mobile World Center in Barcelona, Spain. Betabeers is a community of developers that organize monthly meetings to talk about technology and startups.   Marc explained to about twenty developers and a number of investors what […]


Internet of Things; Why? Because we can…

Everyone knows the comedy show The Big Bang Theory. We knew everyone was talking about the Internet of Things, but to our surprise, an episode of this hit comedy show suggests the main characters, Leonard and Sheldon, connect their flat lights and stereo using an X-10 system. You can notice this in the video:   […]


thethings.iO on Forbes!

Forbes website talked about thethings.iO as one of the easiest IoT platforms that connects devices with the cloud A few weeks ago we had made a post about how excited we were about being featured in VenturesBeat. If you’d like to see this article feel free to click here. However, today we are thrilled to announce something […]


thethings.iO favorite watches and wearables

Wearable’s have become a hot topic among the Internet of Things tech enthusiasts. As the launch of the Apple Watch approaches, smart watches in particular have been weighing on everyone’s minds. The various Apple Watch products will provide the opportunity for users to access most of the information that exists on their iPhone from their wrists. Everything from […]