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Connect STMicroelectronics boards to thethings.iO

STMicroelectronics & thethings.iOToday, we’re gonna show you how to connect your STMicroelectronics board with thethings.iO. At this post we are going to connect exactly STMicroelectronics Discovery-F746NG board to take advantage of the mbed platform. The STMicroelectronics Discovery-F746NG is a development kit board of the ST32F7 series of microcontrollers based on ARM Cortex-M7 processor. The board brings a […]


How to visualize your SCADA diagram at thethings.iO in 3 steps

thethings.iO Scada ScreenshotImagine you have a number of different Internet-connected devices that fit together within one system. This could be a plant with humidity, light and pH sensors or, on a larger scale, a connected home system with numerous connected devices or a factory where you can monitor and control the valves, faucets, among others. The possibilities are endless, but […]


thethings.iO September’16 Fresh New Features!

At thethings.iO we are constantly learning from our customers to improve our IoT platform. At thethings.iO we use a software continuous delivery, that means, that when we have a new feature we deploy it immediately (after unit testing and other). Yesterday, because of the specific features that we deployed we had to schedule a maintenance […]


Connect the ESP8266-V12 Wemos to thethings.iO

Wemos esp8266v12One of our favorite WiFi device is the ESP8266. After explaining how to connect ESP8266 v1 to the IoT platform thethings.iO, here we would like to explain how to connect ESP8266 v12 or WEMOS to thethings.iO. In this case we are working on a Wemos D1 Mini. We decided to work in some projects with […]


Developing Android app with the thethings.iO

Developing Android app with thethings.iOLast week we explained how to create Apps and IoT dashboards from thethings.iO, this week its time to build real mobile apps connected to an App Id. Because most of thethings.iO IoT platform customers do not only make a connected product, but also build mobile applications. Mobile apps are useful to let final customers access […]


Create an App and IoT dashboard with thethings.iO

Apps & thethings.iOMost of the Internet of Things devices bring applications with them. Most of the user experience behind these device live at the mobile applications or websites precisely designed to manage, control and interact with the connected thing. At thethings.iO we know what that means and that’s the reason why you can manage all of your […]