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Benchmark IoT platforms for Sigfox products

Today we have the pleasure to publish an invited guest post made by a UPC student. Daniel Torán Mercadé was a student of the Department of Electronic Engineering at ETSEIB-UPC and he has been working on a master thesis named Comparison of different Internet of Things Platforms. Dani tested different IoT platforms such as AWS, […]


Geocoding location coordinates to addresses from GPS-trackers

Today we talk about geocoding. Geocoding is a very interesting art! Geocoding consist of converting addresses (e.g. streets) into geographic GPS coordinates (i.g. latitude and longitude). On the other hand, we have reverse geocoding that is the reverse process: transforming a pair of geographic GPS coordinates into an address (street with number and city). You […]


3 Reasons to Start Tracking Your Assets on the Supply Chain with IoT

Let’s imagine, you are the operations VP of a company or even the country manager of a European company who needs to get profitability of the operations of your assets. How are you going to optimize the supply chain of your company? Nowadays the cost associated at the information from your supply chain is cost […]


How to integrate LoRa with thethings.iO IoT platform

As you know, thethings.iO is the most simple enterprise IoT platform. An IoT platform consists of helping and improving life of developers that are connecting products to the Internet. And as good makers, we love integrating new systems and platforms to thethings.iO that enable our clients of connecting to the Internet more devices. In today’s post […]


How to display data from your things on a map with thethings.iO IoT platform

Some customers just contact at thethings.iO because they heard that it’s super simple to use thethings.iO IoT platform to visualize their devices, draw some points in a map or apply business logics on their connected devices. And that’s right! thethings.iO is the most simple IoT platform. Nowadays we are helping hundreds of companies and developers […]


Announcing Sigfox & thethings.iO partnership

Today at thethings.iO we are excited to announce a strategic partnership between Sigfox and thethings.iO to bring the most simple enterprise IoT platform with the most simple connectivity solution to the business world. Since few weeks ago, thethings.iO became an official partner of Sigfox connectivity. That means that thethings.iO is able to sell Sigfox connectivity […]