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The Benefits of IoT in the Cold Chain

The cold chain is a supply chain in which the temperature of the products must be controlled. Cold chains are commonly associated with the pharmaceutical and food industries. Food losses are astronomical, largely due to cold chain problems. The cold chain is big business and the stakes are high. The implications of a poorly maintained […]


Connecting ESP32 to thethings.iO using CoAP

In this post we will explain how to connect via CoAP to the platform through ESP32-S2. A high-performance IoT module, with which the Chinese giant Espressif will try to reduce the TTM (time to market) of the new IoT products that are yet to come.   Step by Step tutorial First of all, check […]


The Future of Internet of Things

The tech world we’ve all been dreaming of has finally arrived, it’s smart and full of “things”, the Internet of Things. According to statistics, there are 26.66 billion devices connected to IoT worldwide. Which statistically leaves all citizens of the world with at least 3 devices. The number of the Internet of Things is projected […]


Connecting ESP32 to thethings.iO using MQTT

In this post we will explain how to connect and ESP-32 to thethings.iO platform through and ESP-32 from Espressif. Keep in mind that the project used as an example could be found in our  repo: Let’s go! First of all, take a look on the requirements (for more explanations you can visit our previous blog […]


Retail digital transformation in Covid Times

Right now, a consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic, it has presented companies with a sudden paradigm shift in which digital transformation has experienced exponential growth and technology plays an even more fundamental role in managing this complex context. The technology companies also have to serve to give us solutions to struggle against Covid. There are […]


HTTP integration with ESP32-S2

We started a new stage with great enthusiasm and new projects…keep you posted! We are working on a new generation of content, we hope you like it! Let’s start with a juicy snack: how to connect your ESP32-S2- based devices to via HTTP. You, our devoted followers and valued customers, you are our […]